The Farmhouse

Investigation Date:   August 12, 2011  


  • A little girl has been spotted on 3 separate occasions by 3 different people.
  • Uncomfortable feelings
  • Creaking floorboards when folks are completely still

Investigation Findings:  This investigation had all the makings for a perfect night of ghost hunting.  We started the night going through and placing our cameras and recorders in the various hotspots throughout the abandoned home.  We placed a camera outside shooting towards the window where the infamous little girl had been seen by three different people.  After taking our initial emf and temperature sweeps, we continued on through the night.

Throughout the investigation we used a ball and little pony toy to help the alleged little girl feel more comfortable with us.  Unfortunately we never had any response with either.  Ultimately the night was pretty quiet.  We did turn up a couple audio clips that are unexplained for the time being.  

The barn itself didn’t produce any activity aside from an anxious owl that decided to visit…

Interesting Facts:

  • This was be our first test at covering two separate buildings on one property.

Historical Facts:   The highest percentage of immigrants through the area were from Germany.  The plots of land and deeds that were around the area mostly had surnames of German decent.  While we do not know the exact location of the plot, the likelyhood that the farm was owned by one of those families is high.  The house was built in 1920, by it’s first owner.  I unfortunately don’t have a name.  One of the lots was owned by the Lemp family. This is just a theory, but John Lemp, the Beer King of Boise, may have owned land out there where wheat or barley could have been grown. There is more info about John Lemp in our blog at The Beer King of Boise, and the Hauntings left behind.

Please note:  BoiC.G.H. are not claiming the following Audio/Video clips as paranormal evidence.  Most are simply unexplained.  We put them up for folks to explore and draw their own conclusions.  As well as to share some of our findings.