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Bush House Museum | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | Salem Oregon | America | BoiCGH

This stunning Italian-styled mansion was built in 1870 by Asahel Bush is said to be haunted by ghosts of its past! Located in Bush's Pasture Parkthe museum is hailed as a '19th century time capsule' preserving much early 19th century heritage and history and honours the legacy of Salems Bush family who lived here until 1953.

Numerous guests and visitors claim to seeing a full bodied apparition of Asahels youngest daughter, Eugenia and it is believed she still keeps a close watch over the much loved building.

Her spirit is blamed for many items being moved about the property including switching the air conditioning on and off.

Other ghosts are believed to reside here too and many have witnessed black shadow people running past stairwells and felt cold icy blasts and loud audible female voices.

Octavia Painter, a cousin of the family is pictured below in the 100 year old conservatory, one of the oldest in the Rocky Mountains, tending to her plants and flowers which she loved to grow for the family business. The conservatory was recently restored and can be seen today.

Some claim they have seen light anomalies surrounding the conservatory and we cant help but wonder if Octavia is still overseeing her flowers.

The museum offers tours for all ages throughout the year and you can explore the fascinating 19 acre park grounds and Art Centre.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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