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Haunted Mirrors | Paranormal | Phenomena | Research | Community | Discussion | BoiCGH

'The problem with introspection is that it has no end' - Philip K. Dick (American Science Fiction Writer 1928-1982)

Have you ever witnessed something unexplainable lurking in the reflection of a mirror?

Does paranormal activity gravitate towards mirrors?

Mirrors have been the subject of myth, superstition and lore for thousands of years.

Ancient Romans believed that mirrors reflected a persons soul and, that if misused, mirrors could draw out negative entities.

Medieval communities believed that mirrors used in ancient occult practices and ritual magick ceremonies (SCRYING: opening spiritual doors via reflective surfaces) had the capability to transport the soul across realms crossing the supernatural veil.

The phenomenon of haunted mirrors is a widely discussed topic with many in the paranormal field believing that mirrors may act as a portal for spirits.

However, unless proven by way of scientific evidence, nothing can ever be classed as being paranormal in nature.

Certain cultures follow traditional superstitions and actively cover up their mirrors if a family member passes away in order to prevent that deceased soul from 'peaking' or 're entering' the living world.

Many paranormal encounters involve mirrors, from unexplained dark shadow figures, to curious spectral faces and enquiring entities appearing in the reflective surfaces.

Some have even described a 'pulling in' sensation when gazing into a mirror which belonged to a deceased loved one, it is suggested that spirits may utilize the energy of the person gazing into the mirror which enables the entity to further manifest.

Many paranormal investigators have claimed that EMF (electromagnetic field) readings are often higher around mirrors.

How would you react if you saw something in a mirror that should not be there?

Here are our Top 10 Haunted Mirrors In Movies:

1. Amityville - A New Generation (1993)
2. Bloody Mary (2011)
3. The Bogey Man (1980)
4. Candyman (1992)
5. Mirror Mirror (1990)
6. Oculus (2013)
7. The Shining (1980)
8. The Twilight Zone Season 3 The Mirror (1961)
9. Witchcraft (1998)
10.Evil Dead 2 (1987)

Please feel free to visit our Boise City Ghost Hunters Live Chat room for anyone interested in further discussion on any of our topics, or to put forward any questions you may have.

Finding mysterious reflections and blemishes in a mirror may not always be as ominous as they seem.  Most modern mirrors are made of glass over a polished surface.  If there are any markings or scratches on the underlying surface they could appear through the glass to distort your reflection and/or the area around it.  Sometimes something as simple as giving the mirror a good cleaning will exercise those reflection demons right away...  Occasionally over time a mirror can tarnish or become subtly scratched also leading to odd appearances at a glance.   Here is a link with a brief description on how mirrors have developed over the years...  Mirror History

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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