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Have You Ever Received A Ghostly Phone Call? | Ghosts On The Line | Community | Discussion | Phenomena | Research | BoiCGH

Have you ever received an unexplainable ghostly phone call?

Because if you have I would like to chat with you.

We all know that spirits may manifest as light anomalies, apparitions and shadows.

But what about phone calls from beyond?

I am currently doing research on spirit communication and different ways entities can connect with the living. 

I was in an Irish pub many years ago and the landlord claimed their telephone was haunted by the ghost of the previous manageress who had recently passed away. 

Staff would audibly hear what they claimed to be the voice of their old manageress crossing the airwaves.

How can that be possible?

After discussing the matter with a team colleague we discussed that this phenomena would most likely be classed an EVP (electronic voice phenomena).

Phones use ‘static’ which as an imbalance of electrical charge on an object or surface which generates as static energy. Spirits may be attracted to static as it may be an accessible frequency by which they can communicate.

Entities continually seek those frequencies in order to manifest and communicate which is why battery operated equipment is so prevalent in paranormal investigations, because doing so requires less energy than appearing as full spectrum apparition.  

If this is the case, would the static electricity of a home or cell telephone not also appeal to an entity?

I am fascinated by this topic and would love to hear your experiences.

Come and chat with me!

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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