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Have You Ever Used A Ouija Board? | Are You There? (2014) | Saturday Night Scares | Movie Recommendation | Community | Entertainment | BoiCGH

Movie: Are You There? (2014)

Have any of our readers ever used a ouija board?

If so, did you notice any negative after effects? Any paranormal activity around your home? Any nightmares? Emotional or psychological disturbance? Or any changes in yourself, or in the people around you? Any actual physical dangers?

Drop me a comment below, I would like to know your experiences.

Ok so here i like to post honest reviews.

This movie was not my favorite. I had high expectations. I felt it was not the best performance wise. However, i gave it a try because this movie is based on actual reported events.

Each and every year there are thousands of reports involving folks having bad experiences with ouija boards.

Some have even taken fits and been hospitalized.

Many later described making contact with a demon called ZoZo.

ZoZo is believed to be a demon who aggressively attaches itself to the living via exclusive use of ouija boards.

This found footage style movie follows the tale of five friends, on Halloween, who decide to attempt communicating with spirits using the ouija board.

A decision they later sorely regret as it comes with great consequences.

A slow burner, not the greatest, but a good discussion or interview topic.

Boise City Ghost Hunters would never condone the use of ouija boards and actively warn against it. However, i am interested to know of genuine after effects of those who have used one.

Stay safe, but most of all Stay Spooky!

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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