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Oppression In The Room | The Ghost Of Rose At West Seattle High School | Seattle, Washington | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Have you ever felt that something unseen was watching you?

How did you react to that sensation?

West Seattle High School in Seattle, Washington, was built in 1917 and, local legend suggests, is haunted by the ghost of Rose who was a student who committed suicide.

Rose hung herself, right here on these premises, in 1924.

Those who have been at the school, after dark, have encountered disembodied crying emanating from empty halls, ghostly footsteps and extreme cold spots.

Rose often manifests as a barely visible pale colored mist, yet the whole atmosphere of the room will switch up. A feeling that an unknown presence is silently watching, a heaviness about the room.

This has proven to be an uncomfortably oppressive sensation for many visitors, some of whom have vacated the premises earlier than planned.

Have you ever experienced an uncomfortable presence?

I would love to hear your experiences right here in the comment section below.


*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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Bones Coffee | Boise City Ghost Hunters Paranormal Research and Investigations