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Phone Number | Updates | New Year | BoiCGH

Yesterday, I posted about our number being stolen.  We have rectified the situation and are working on getting our original phone number back up and running.  As of now we do have a new active number 208-917-3017.

Another issue that has come up over the last few months is mass amounts of spam going to our emails and social accounts. We have tried to respond to all legitimate messages. But unfortunately many were lost along the way. If you are still in need of Boise City Ghost Hunters Paranormal Research and Investigations please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for everyone that reached out and worked on correcting this wrong.  Here's to a safe New Year's Eve and a prosperous 2025!  Go Boise State Broncos!


*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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Bones Coffee | Boise City Ghost Hunters Paranormal Research and Investigations