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Saturday Night Scares | Movie Recommendation | Join Me ! | Community | The House In Between | Entertainment | Reviews

Anyone looking for a good movie recommendation for tonight? Well get that popcorn ready and look no further! Today i shall be reviewing The House In Between.

Why not join me in watching this film and let me know what you think.

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Production quote: 'The day science begins to study non physical phenomena it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of existence'. 


This is not a work of fiction but based on real life events. 

This docu-movie takes us on the journey of Miss Alice, the current owner of 'the house in between'. The home is located in Florence, Mississippi, and possibly built over old burial grounds. Others have said the home was re structured and we know that this often causes unrest in the spirit realms. 

Miss Alice began to experience strange and unexplained phenomena from the moment she moved into the property. The situation escalated so much, and activity increased to such levels, that she contacted paranormal investigators.

It was noted the home was built on limestone which is believed to act as a conduit to surrounding spirit entities.

The team did a sterling job of gathering the facts and data to the best of their ability and even went to the lengths of speaking with university physicians about limestone and light source properties. Also structural home builders were called in so as to discount any foundational discrepancies which may have been a possible activity source.

During my own personal research into the paranormal, I have learned that there are many things which can cause objects to move, seen and unseen, such as electricity, wind etc. But if one can completely dismiss those sources as possible causes, and an object continues to be moved, there lies an area for discussion involving possible paranormal phenomena being present. 

This team actually went out of their way to scientifically disprove phenomena where possible.

The property is known as Americas most haunted house and it was fascinating to see live phenomena recorded on camera such as doors opening and a ball being rolled down the stairs.

Miss Alice sadly cannot live here alone any longer as she became too frightened after mediums stated there was a malevolent male presence about the home who may do harm to her. For now Miss Alice allows paranormal teams to visit the home in the constant search for answers.

It is said that this home will push you to your limits.

Would you be willing to find out?

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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