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DON'T COME HERE | The Devils Playground at Pool Park Asylum | North Wales | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | Wales | BoiCGH

Pool Park Asylum is located in the magnificent Welsh mountain town of Ruthin, North Wales.

If its friendly ghosts you're looking for - you're in the wrong place.

The asylum is said to be where the devil himself resides hence the name 'devils playground'.

Built in early 1860's and used as a psychiatric hospital, and later as a World War II prisoner base camp during, the site is a popular hotspot with paranormal investigators due to its extremely malevolent residual energies.

However most teams remain hesitant to investigate being too fearful. Not many even dare to even set foot inside after one visitor was physically pushed and dragged backwards violently across a floor, others have been pushed and pulled and witnessed loud screaming, could this be the WW2 prisoners seeking their revenge?

Some teams have recorded clear audible footsteps and have recorded words such as 'DEVIL'  'WITCHES' and 'WE ARE HERE!' by way of EVP (electronic voice phenomena) recordings. 

Many have reported instantly feeling nauseated, dizzy, cold. The locals say it was a satanic ritual site and still is used for secret sinister meetings today.

Local folk believe the asylum to be a portal to hell itself.


*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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