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The Spirit of British Actress Peg Entwistle at The Hollywood Hills Sign | Los Angeles | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Hollywood, the place of dreams, sunshine and new beginnings?

Not always.

Hollywood has a very dark side, including death, tragedy and hundreds of hauntings.

It is believed that the Hollywood sign, the most iconic landmark in Los Angeles, is haunted by the spirit of a once loved actress.

The most notable tragedy to have taken place at the Hollywood sign is the suicide of British/Broadway stage actress Peg Entwistle.

Millicent Lilian, known as Peg Entwistle was a British actress who began her stage career in 1925 and appeared in several Broadway productions. Peg was friends with Bette Davis, and Bette once said to her own mother "one day i want to be just like Peg Entwistle".

During the Great Depression, Pegs acting career took her from England to America. Peg became caught up in Hollywoods whirlwind which sadly eventually led to her death at the tender age of just 24. 

On 16th September, 1932, police reports state that Peg climbed up a ladder up the side of the 45ft letter 'H' of the Hollywood hills sign and jumped to her death.

Visitors to this day claim they have witnessed the eery apparition of Peg standing on top of the sign and some have seen the actress walking amongst the enormous sign letters.

Could this be a residual haunting as the actress remains connected to the place she died?

It is said that a spirit may stay connected to the site they suffered trauma.

There is a televised Netflix series called 'Hollywood' which follows young aspiring actors of early eras and covers Pegs fascinating story and life journey.

What do you think?

Will you be watching the series?

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