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Have You Ever Felt Like You Were Being Watched By Unseen Eyes? | The Fort Boise Cemetery | Cottonwood Cemetery | Boise Foothills | Boise, Idaho | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | IdaHaunts | America | BoiCGH

Cottonwood Cemetery sits at the Boise Foothills and was originally called the Fort Boise Military Cemetery. 

Initially the cemetery was located just half a mile further along the road at the Boise Barracks which closed in 1913. Sadly the cemetery suffered severe flash floods, sustaining major damages including erosion of many headstones which resulted in the relocation of over 166 graves.

Could this have stirred the spirits resting at this location?

Three bodies, believed to be Civil War veterans, were discovered during Flood Control Excavation operations. They were laid to rest at the new location on Memorial Day in 1998.

In 1947 this sacred location was declared a protected historic site.

Many graves are unmarked and the cemetery became abandoned.

It is however alleged that this cemetery is indeed haunted by those resting there.

There have been varied reports of unexplained phenomena, apparitions of spirit children playing hide and go seek amidst the headstones, uniformed military soldiers and female entities.

During the 1970s one man claimed he witnessed a male ghost, standing near an old dead tree, the man states he did not feel any threat but simply stared at the apparition. He claimed that the apparition just stood there, staring back at him for some time before disappearing.

Visitors to the cemetery have described hearing ghostly disembodied voices and sensed a real uneasy feeling surrounding them.

Have you ever felt as though you were being watched by unseen eyes?

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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