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A Date With Death At The Manteno Psychiatric Asylum | Chicago, Illinois | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

What is it about haunted insane asylums that we find so terrifying?

Could it be the icy derelict patient rooms eerily discarded to the harsh grasp of abandonment?

Or just knowing that the corridors we gaze on today were the very last thing patients also gazed upon as they inhaled final breaths of life?

Or maybe it's knowing that patient consent to treatment was laughed at, as their rights were waivered, voices silenced.

Can you imagine such a place?

Welcome to the Manteno State Hospital, your worst nightmare, a former psychiatric treatment center where it is said the dead still roam.

This was once considered the largest, and most advanced, treatment facility in existence.

Historically, the building was constructed in 1927 and, horrifically, only 16 out of the 122 staff employed here were professionally trained (registered) nurses.

During 1939, amidst a typhoid epidemic, hundreds of patients were surgically experimented upon, with or without their consent, it made no difference, as procedures went ahead.

In 1941, a total of 462 individuals died whilst undergoing such inhumane testing.

Community residents, golfers and urban explorers have reported still hearing those disembodied screams at the location today. 

A local farmer who lives nearby claims he unearthed dead bodies in his fields which surround the asylum. It is speculated these were the bodies of former patients who had escaped from the asylum, yet succumbed to the harsh winter elements. 

They never got very far.

The farmer was so traumatized by his findings that he sold his farmstead and relocated.

The hospital was eventually forced to close its doors with portions being sold and repurposed for residential and recreational developments including a golf course venue and Veterans home.

The energy expended during severe trauma, immediately before death, will often linger at a location by way of residual haunting. 

So could this explain the mysterious light anomalies seen amidst the property today?

If residual hauntings are tied to a location due to intensity of trauma, i would think those spirits may be around for some time.

The buildings are privately and federally owned. Entry into this property is strictly prohibited, yet access to the surrounding area is available via strict appointment.

Beware, you are never truly alone when you visit Manteno.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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