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A Haunting Tale Of Love And Ghosts | Timpanogos Stalactite Cave | Timpanogo Mountains | American Fork Utah | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Timpanogos Cave located along the American Fork in Utah, has been surrounded by legend and folklore since the first Mormons settled here long ago.

The Timpanogos cave is home to an ancient tale which is very similar to Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet.

A tale of timeless haunting love.

The tale tells of Red Eagle, a young Indian warrior and Utahna the beautiful Indian Princess. Many men wanted to take Utahnas hand in marriage and she had hundreds of suitors.

So young warrior Red Eagle, who was completely in love with her, pretended that he was a God. Utahna accepted his marriage proposal, but one day she discovered it was a lie, that Red Eagle was not a God after all.

Utahna, in her disbelief and feeling betrayed, jumped from the very top of Mount Timpanogos.

She died instantly upon hitting the rugged rocky land below.

Heartbroken, Red Eagle scooped her lifeless body up in his arms and carried her inside the cave.

The ever growing stalactite which you see there today is said to be Red Eagles heart, a tribute to unrequited love for all to see, described as ‘the heart of Timpanogos'.

If you look at the mountain range you can easily decipher the shape of a woman, lying on her back, as if sleeping through eternity. Many say this is Princess Utahna.

Visitors to the cave have reported dark entities which moves speedily and unexpectedly through the surrounding forestry.

Others have witnessed their personal belongings being moved and heard unexplained ghostly voices deep within the caverns.

Are there unseen forces supernaturally residing here today?

Not all entities willingly manifest, some prefer to stay within the shadows.

Maybe this explains the moaning sounds emanating the night winds.

If your flashlight goes out and you hear mysterious footsteps or crying sounds approaching you, you may well be witnessing some very real Timpanogos hauntings in real time.

Who knows, you may even encounter the spirit lovers of long ago.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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