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Choking Sensation | Disturbing Residual Haunting At Scaponia Recreational Site | Scappoose Oregon | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Scaponia in Scappoose, Oregon, is a renowned recreational site located on the banks of the Nehalem River which features several miles of natural parklands.

During the 1850 settlers arrived including famous fur-trader Thomas McKay.

Thomas McKay was a Canadian who eloped here as a teenage boy. He played a vital role in the historical roots and evolvement of Oregon. It was said of Thomas that ‘he was a daring leader, unparalleled storyteller and could drive a nail with a rifle ball’.

Thomas helped build Fort Boise, Idaho and even guided gold seekers to California. His father Alexander McKay died in the Tonquin massacre. Thomas himself died in 1849 and is buried right here on this land in Scappoose.

The land here attracted the attention of loggers, tradesmen and landscapers. who transformed and modified the roads resulting in Scappoose becoming an incorporated town in 1921.

However, it is said that Scaponia Recreational Site is home to some very dark forces.

Many dismiss these claims as nothing but local legend and folklore.

The debate continues.

The legend of the horse thief and his dog has been told around many a camp fire. But there are those who claim they have witnessed this apparition personally.

Many exploring these trails have described the ghostly apparitions of the horse thief and his dog.

The thief is heard to shout out commands to his dog and the canine barks frantically back at him.

Some describe seeing ropes tied around the thiefs neck which would make sense because that is how thieves back then were punished. They would have been hung by nooses.

Hikers and outdoor enthusiasts who venture out here claim there is always an uneasy feeling, something in the air, not the best ambience but a sensation of fear and dread.

So, you already know I did my research and guess what….

There WAS a horse thief hanged in the 1800s right here in Scappoose, and he had a dog with him.

After a life of stealing and re selling horses across Oregon, the local community formed a sort of mob group and went searching for him. The sounds of the thief shouting commands to his dog were the last words he muttered. The locals apprehended him, hung him and shot his dog dead right there.

The site today offers its own camping facilities, restrooms, tents.

Would you be brave enough to hike at this eery execution site?

Many still hear the disembodied residual haunting of those killings today which has proved too disturbing for some visitors. Firstly they hear the man and the dog, then the commotion as the mob folk captured them followed by a gunshot.

Some park goers report feeling tightness and a very frightening sensation of being choked around the neck, just like a noose would feel and have left the site prematurely.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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