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Absentia (2011) | Saturday Night Scares | Movie Recommendations | Community | Entertainment | BoiCGH

Absentia (2011)

‘One hell of a horror!’ - Fangoria Magazine.

Winner of Best Horror Film (Phoenix International Film Festival 2011) and Best Narrative Feature Film (Sonoma International Film Festival (2011).

I am excited to share this movie. It was genius!

Can the ghosts of the past really interact with our current lives?

This movie came under high critical acclaim for its sheer depth described as ‘powerfully scary’.

It eliminates the villain with bad intentions scenario and rather focuses on the psychological elements of things we do, and don’t, see.

How can we decipher what is real? What is imagined?

A woman, along with her sister, attempt to find the truth surrounding the recent death of her husband.

Their journey involves experiences with visual, auditory and even tactile phenomena.

What if a trusted friend claimed they saw your husband, but after his death?

I hope you’re ready for some seriously effective jump scares and a good quality film well worth a couple hours of your time.

Directed by Mike Flanagan, if you are not familiar with his work check him out. 

His work is renowned for his distinct and mesmerizing storytelling style which captures the sentimental and romantic of the spirit world such as The Haunting Of Hill House (2019) and Doctor Sleep (2019). Flanagan was raised in Salem, Massachusetts, home of the famous Salem Witch Trials amongst many more sinister historical claims which he claims had a massive creative effect on his filmmaking.

Shot in Glendale, California, with just eight initial cast, this independent film really took its audience by storm using basic frames and shot yet capturing realistic characters with a thought provoking plot.

I hope you enjoy the movie and your weekend.

Stay Spooky!

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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