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Annie Get Your Gun | The Haunted Powder Magazine | Charleston, South Carolina | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Powder Magazine, located in Charleston, South Carolina, is a former gunpowder magazine, turned museum which was originally constructed by British colonists during 1703 in efforts to conserve emergency ammunition during the Revolutionary War.

The building has also operated as a wine cellar and community carriage house and is the oldest known building in all of Charleston.

There are various local legends and rumors of supernatural infestations surrounding this location.

Hundreds have sighted apparitions of uniformed British soldiers seen marching in formation before fading into nothing.

Visitors have often enquired about the soldiers presuming they were period dressed re enactment actors. The establishment does not employ actors.

The Irish Privateer Pirate Annie Bonne spent many years here and has been visually sighted roaming the courtyards, pistol in hand, in spirit today.

Annie is a non malevolent entity and has been known to interact with the living before exiting through walls!

Also encountered is the residual haunting of Gabriel Manigault who ran his wine cellar from this building. He is often sighted grasping a large crate of wine happily going about his business.

The site is open to the public today.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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