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Are Ghosts Walking Amongst Us | The Mortuary Haunted House Attraction | New Orleans Louisiana | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Mortuary Haunted House venue is located within an actual former mortuary site just off Canal Street, New Orleans.

This popular haunted attraction is surrounded by multiple burial grounds and dates back to 1923 when it actually ran as a fully functioning mortuary.


Concealed amidst the crowds?

Are they walking amongst us, or are we walking amongst them?

Many died here. Hundreds of souls.

Perhaps this would explain the extremely high EMF (electromagnetic field) levels, EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) and mysterious light anomalies.

It is rumoured this historical property is infested with entities.

Phenomena has included encounters with full spectrum apparitions which disappear through walls, mysterious shadow figures on photographs, electronic malfunction and items seen physically levitating.

Some visitors describe feeling that someone is following them.

Are the living being actively stalked by spirits?

The Mortuary is open for booking Halloween bookings today.

You might want to check exactly who is standing next to you.

Let us know if you experience anything paranormal if you visit this location.

Want more haunted Louisiana tales? Just hit our book link below.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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