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Are We Listening Hard Enough? | Transcendental Voices At The Devils Half Acre | Lumpkins Jail | Richmond, Virginia | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Virginia is home to many of North Americas earliest settlements.

Just a little further along from the Shockoe Bottom neighbourhood bars and shops is the historic Lumpkins Jail, also known as the Devils Half Acre the original Slave Trader Quarter of Richmond Virginia. Historically, this is where hundreds of men, women and even children were imprisoned.

Before the Civil War, these were barbaric times filled with slavery and burial grounds. Crowds gathered to spectate interrogations and torture. Individuals were either killed, sold or auctioned off to slave traders, cotton and tobacco planters and sea merchants.

So many lives lived out of sight.

Even after the slave trade was banned in 1808, human trafficking continued in this area and tragically brought about the destruction of many indigenous people.

Aside from New Orleans, Richmond was the most heavily trafficked area in the United States and became referred to as ‘Human Capital’.

Slavery did not just happen here, it was built here.

During 1842, iconic author Charles Dickens visited here and described it as “so delightfully situated upon wonderful hills”. However, Dickens went on to explain how he had “witnessed some truly barbaric acts” and suggested that the only freedom in place here was sadly the “freedom of oppression”.

Famous writer, Solomon Northup who authored Twelve Years A Slave was unfortunate enough to have been captured and enslaved in Richmond. He was apprehended whilst travelling through from Washington D.C.

Twelve Years A Slave went on to become an Oscar Winning movie.

Richmond was an epicenter for some truly dark and macabre history. So it comes as no surprise to learn that this location is heavy with hauntings. 

If a premature exit from this world is believed the root of paranormal activity, then this explains much regarding the countless, and increasing, accounts of phenomena even today.

Dark shadows, barely escaping detection, as they slip out of sight amidst the night fog.

Mysterious cries, like transcendental voices colliding through realms.

Sometimes spirits return because they have something to say, a truth, a message that needs to be heard, transcendental phenomena which manifests with the purpose of revealing an injustice which may occurred whilst they inhabited this world.

The question is, ‘are we listening hard enough?’

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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