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Bountyhunters And Apparitions When Entities Lash Out | The Trinway Mansion | Trinway Ohio | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Historic Prospect Place Estate, also known as Trinway Mansion, is located off Main Street in Trinway, Ohio.

This spectacular mansion was first erected in 1856 by abolitionist George Willison Adams.

Prospect Place Ohio has witnessed many battles, many of them race and slavery related.

Many enslaved individuals who broke free from their captors took shelter at this very mansion, many of those people were severely injured and breathed their last breaths here.

The home was set upon by a wayward bountyhunter who demanded that the owner, George Adams, surrender the slaves.

The ranch staff ran to Georges aid, George would not hand over those slaves and was subsequently murdered by way of hanging.

Sadly the home fell victim to an arson attack and was left to disrepair. It was not too long before vandals set in and further destroyed the property.

How do you think any inhabitant spirits lingering here would feel about that?

Abandoned, desolate and scheduled for demolition, things were not seeming hopeful for this once thriving home.

However, in 1988, Dave Longberger purchased the site, infusing new life into the very heart of the home.

Security was installed and in 2003 the G W Adams Educational Center established.

Visitors today report encounters with shadowy entities and the full spectrum apparition of male figure seen lashing out at the living as they pass by.

Are these spirits remembering how the building was so disrespectfully desecrated in earlier years by looters?

Or could this be the spirit of George Adams still protecting what was rightfully his?

Other phenomena encountered here includes strange dancing light orbs which move with directional intent and feelings of nausea and sudden rising panic.

This location is open for public appointments and bookings and guided ghost tours.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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