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Best Of British The Toy Shop Ghosts | Pocatello, Idaho | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | IdaHaunts | America | BoiCGH

Downtown Idaho is steeped in old nostalgic buildings many of these now derelict holding undiscovered secrets of the past.

Once darkness falls, downtown becomes truly atmospheric, a perfect unexplored canvas for any paranormal enthusiast.  

But did you know the old site of Teepee Toys Warehouse is reportedly haunted by the spirit of its former British proprietor Mrs Pollard?

Built in 1916 as a dry goods store, and later used as a creamery, Teepees Toyshop located on First Street, now derelict, was a much loved store. The business was run by the Pollard family from England who relocated here during the turn of the century. The family owned several stores in the area. The building still retains some of the original wood panelled walls but otherwise is in a state of decay.

There are local reports of the Pollard family feeling fearful whilst living here. They had apparently reported much unexplained phenomena and some family members became too afraid to enter specific rooms.

Shadowy silhouettes have been seen gliding amongst the rooms and disembodied voices heard chatting away.

Many paranormal teams have reported noticeable changes in the rooms energy and captured a the amorous female voice of a lady on EVP recording, in a British accent say "i like you too lovey". Clearly 'lovey' is a British term of endearment. Well i suppose you wouldn't know that if you were not British as I am ha.

Could this be the spirit of Mrs Pollard residually haunting her once loved store?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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