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Camera Shy Spectres At The Bowers Mansion Museum | New Washoe City Nevada | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Bowers Mansion in New Washoe City, Nevada, is a historic house museum which originally belonged to the Riter family who ran the mansion as a holiday resort. The home was later purchased by Eilley and Lemuel Bower.

Construction was funded after the stock market rise during the mining boom of 1856 and is referred to as ‘millionaire architecture’.

After the Bowers passed on, the home was rented out and used as a party venue and conference centre by the Reno Civic Club.

The mansion remains open today offering picnic areas, a spring fed pool and seasonal walking tours.

The Bowers ashes were buried at the location and it is said they residually haunt the mansion today.

Eilley Bower was known to partake in seances and occult rituals and staff believe her spirit resides up on the second floor.

Other phenomena encountered here includes mysterious misty light anomalies captured in photographs, shadow figures seen speedily approaching the living.

Could it be that Eilley Bower conjured dark entities during those seances?

Have you ever experienced a seance or ouija board? 

If so, what was the outcome of that experience? Let me know in the comment section below.

Just outside, where the Bowers ashes were laid to rest, the ghosts of Mr and Mrs Bower have been seen many times. However, not one person has succeeded in capturing these supernatural spectres on camera.

It seems the spirits are a little camera shy and will actively drain camera batteries and cause electronic malfunction if you try to snap them!

Have you ever experienced something you consider to be paranormal?

Because if you have, I would love to hear about it.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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