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Casperella The Unfriendly Ghost At Western Kentucky University | Bowling Green Kentucky | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Western Kentucky University located at Bowling Green Kentucky was first founded in 1906 and is renowned for its creepy campus hauntings.

Pierce Ford Tower is allegedly haunted by the spirit of a student who was returning to his room after showering and fell to his death down an elevator shaft.

This young man is seen residually roaming the hallways holding a towel.

Another known entity here is that a female spectre fondly nicknamed ‘Casperella’ by faculty. She is the spirit of a lady who hung herself in the school basement during the 1970s.

Casperella haunts Potter Hall and some have attempted contacting her via seances and Ouija boards (never a good idea). After this communicational activity, many say they were literally ‘pestered’ by the female spirit who will also drag closets wide open and violently throw items around rooms.

Just before Casperella manifests, rooms will turn icy cold and take on a terrifying ambience with many students reporting an eery breathing on the back of their necks!

Casperella will make you fully aware of her presence.

I don’t think this one is ‘a friendly ghost’.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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