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Wishing all our readers a very Happy Christmas and safe new year!

Here at Boise City Ghost Hunters we are here, no matter what, throughout each and every season.

Despite the twinkling lights and festive candle glow, it is long believed that as autumn gives way to the chill of winter, that spirits roam the darkness.

During the Victorian era, it was a much loved tradition to share ghost stories once darkness fell on bleak snowy nights.

So grab a glass of punch and gather round the fire to enjoy our fireside tales this winters eve.


It is said the wife of a woodsman, now known as the Lady of Bradley Woods, Lincolnshire, England, is now connected in spirit to this very location. This female residual haunting was herself the victim of grave misfortune.

Her husband had set off to war and she was left in the woods, newborn baby boy in her arms, to fend for herself.

One night as she left her cottage, she was set upon by three horsemen who brutally attacked her and kidnapped her child.

The mournful mother lay crying, her cries can be heard whispering through the woods today.

It is said that if you chant the words ‘lady of the woods, lady of the woods, show yourself that we might help' she manifests before your very eyes.


Entrepreneur Edward F Smith, and his family, first encountered the supernatural at their luxury mansion on Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, during December 1878.

According to the New York Times, the family were continually disturbed by the door bell ringing, and aggressive banging sounds emanating from within the home. This mysterious doorbell ringing went on right through the night.

Edwards wife would say “it’s just the ghost”. She had been convinced for some time that the home was actively haunted as she had witnessed dark menacing shadows and guttural growling sounds for some time. The wife had disclosed how the home had belonged to satanists prior to them moving in. However, Edward refused to believe that spirits existed.

Unable to find an explanation they called authorities out to ensure the home was secure and free from intruders or pranksters.

Upon police arrival a brick was violently thrown through the bay window.

A neighbour from across the street told officers how it is well known that the home is long haunted by the spirit of a malevolent entity who dislikes any form of authority, hence the violent attack.

The family did appoint a priest who performed a cleansing exorcism on the home.

Ever since that time, the property has sold from owner to owner.

They never stay long due to its ongoing unexplained phenomena.


During the 1800s in Hertfordshire village in England, there was a pie maker named Walter Clibon. Whilst operating as a respectable baker, Clibon was also a known criminal and involved in much underhandedness.

He would eavesdrop on customers who entered his bakery, gathering private information such as where they lived, who they knew. With his underground band of cloaked highwaymen, Clibon would lie in wait every Christmas Eve, and pounce on unsuspecting passers by.

It was believed that these unfortunate folks were robbed and beaten and many suggested those people ended up in pies.

On Saturday 28th December, Clibon visited a local market where he waited on a treelined road for a rival baker. His attack was intercepted and Clibon was apprehended and later killed. A stake was put through his heart to prevent him committing further trouble even amidst the spirit realms.

The village of Herfordshire believe that the spirit of Clibon still wonders those old lonely streets today. The area where Clibon was staked is marked with a commemorative post today.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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