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Circus Of Death | Hammond Circus Train Tragedy | Woodlawn Funeral Home And Memorial Park | Illinois Chicago | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Woodlawn Funeral Home And Memorial Park is located in Forest Park, Illinois, Chicago.

A portion of the grounds serves as a final resting place for esteemed showmen and entertainers.

The very first burial took place here in 1912.

The Hammond Circus Train Tragedy will never be forgotten.

On June 22nd, 1918, one of the most devastating train wrecks in American history occurred and is known as the Hammond Circus Tragedy.  An empty troop train collided with the a circus train when a locomotive driver fell asleep.

400 performers from the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus were on board and many circus animals.

86 people died that day.

127 people were seriously injured.

Any many animals killed including five beautiful elephants.

53 of those victims are buried here at Westlawn. The Showmans League Of America purchased a large portion of this land and built ‘The Showmans Section’, a designated burial area in honor of all those circus victims.

Many have described feeling extreme cold spots, the touch of icy hands and misty apparitions peaking out from between headstones.

Could the victims of the train tragedy be intelligently haunting the park today?

Five elephant statues were erected at the cemetery in memory of those lives and animals lost.

Hundreds of visitors have heard audible screams, metal on metal scraping sounds and terrifying phantom stompings and trumpeting sounds, almost as if those elephants are here today.

I think the most unsettling thing about this event is that only four out of five elephants were accounted for. One was never identified.

Are people witnessing residual imprint phenomena as the train wreck supernaturally repeats?

Important to consider just how disturbing it must be to encounter such unsettling residual phenomena.

Passers by have described visually sighting the large spectral creatures which fade into a mist.

How sad it is that those who sought to bring joy to the masses died so tragically.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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