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Could This Be Americas Most Haunted Murder House | The Mercer Williams House Museum | Savannah, Georgia | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Mercer Williams House Museum in Savannah, Georgia, is a historic home, turned museum, as once scene to a brutal murder. This murder has since been depicted in a book by John Berendt called ‘Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil’ (1994).

First constructed in 1860, under order of General Hugh Mercer, the house was completed in 1868.

John R Wilder who purchased the building prestigiously restored the historic property which was later used as a Holy Shriners Elite Temple.

However, there are various chilling tales surrounding this location, let’s look at a few.

In 1969 an eleven year old boy, named Tommy Downs, was impaled on an iron fence at the side of the house. Many speculated Tommy was pushed and the incident was actively covered up with a tale that Tommy was chasing birds on the roof and accidentally slipped and fell.

The small silhouette of Tommy is often seen to manifest on the roof as if residually replaying his final moments. This manifestation is said to be so realistic that many have called police officers to the scene, who of course find no physical evidence of anyone jumping from the roof or any injured persons.

In 1981 a 21 year old employee, named Daniel Lewis Hansford, was shot dead at the property after a dispute with his boss James Williams. It was later revealed the two were lovers and that this was a crime of jealous passion as Williams became enraged every time any other employers would interact with Hansford.

The strange thing is that Williams later died suddenly, unexpectedly, and without explainable cause.

Did Hansford get his revenge?

Ever since that time, across the property, many have witnessed unexplained light anomalies at the very spot Daniel lost his life.

Some say this is the most haunted murder house in the United States.

What do you think?

The museum is open for public use.

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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