BoiC.G.H. Forum | Paranormal History | Community

Boise City Ghost Hunters Paranormal Research and Investigations offers one of the most extensive Paranormal and Historical forums on the web. All the information is broken down into easy to find topics and resource points. You can also do a keyword search. Thank you!

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Covid Update | Transparency | Community | BoiCGH

We hope everyone has been able to make the most of the last year or so.  We wanted to take a moment at let everyone know we are still pushing forward.  Much like many other organizations and businesses we are doing the best we can.  Boise City Ghost Hunters has continually been providing information and helping those we can from a distance.  We have had a couple investigations over the past year.  But it is still hard to go full bore ahead due to hesitancy of both clients and team.  The ultimate goal is to remain safe, responsible and most of all respectful.  

Due to Covid we are still finding it difficult to travel outside of the Boise area.  But we have been able to help and at least provide insight and our opinions to folks abroad.  We continue to provide resources for our community.  As well as some fun entertainment articles as well.  

If you are outside of our area and have video clips, audio clips, or images you would like us to review we are here to help.  Simply email them to  And if you are in the Boise area please don't hesitate to click the red exclamation mark box and request an investigation if you need assistance.  Thank you to everyone that follows us.  We realize talking about your paranormal experiences may be difficult.  That is why we are here.  To give you a place to reach out when no one else will listen. 

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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  • Relevant content to the paranormal is a must
  • Non-explicit content on our site and/or any linking sites or pages
  • Factual and informational
  • You are free to stop posting at any time. Boise City Ghost Hunters reserves the right to retain any posts provided prior to your exit date for continued use on our site.

If any of our guidelines are not followed you will be blocked and removed from our site.

Bones Coffee | Boise City Ghost Hunters Paranormal Research and Investigations

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