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Dancing Paintings And Ghostly Encounters At The Detroit Institute Of Arts | Detroit Michigan | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Detroit Institute of Arts is a renowned Art Museum located in mid town Detroits historical cultural district which contains one of the largest art collections in the entirety of the United States.

During 1883 William H. Bearley was inspired to open an art exhibit after touring Europe. The exhibit was an instant success and rapidly expanded.

In 1919 The Detroit Institute of Arts opened its doors and was further expanded in 1966. However, the State struggled to maintain the site financially, so in 1988 the Founders Society stepped in and overtook management, returning the building to its original glory. The gallery and museum is open today as a non profit establishment.

There are many tales of the paranormal surrounding this location.

Night staff and security guards have reported witnessing certain artefacts physically moving, and even appearing to ‘dance’ after hours. Statues have been seen to actively move, and gaze deeply, as if peering into peoples very souls.

Loud disembodied screams and shrieks and the sound of something, or someone, being dragged along the floors are audibly heard here.

Unexplained running footsteps, personal electronical drainage and figures from separate paintings which appear literally together only to return to their original frames later on!

How is this possible?

Many have described unaccounted for individuals on their photographs and there have been folks who will not return to this museum after their initial visit, describing how they were ‘grabbed at’ and ‘pushed forwards’ by unseen forces.

Paranormal teams claim they have recorded extremely high EMF (electromagnetic field) readings whilst here.

If you're a fan of the arts AND passionate about the paranormal, this place is for you.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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