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Dead And Buried The Baby In The Basement | The Patterson Inn | Denver Colorado | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Patterson Inn, in Denver Colorado, was built in 1891, for Thomas Croke, an Irish immigrant, who named the hotel The Croke Patterson Hotel. It was later renamed The Patterson Inn.

This Capitol Hill mansion, turned boutique hotel, has a dark and fascinating past. Capitol Hill is known for its wide array of paranormal and macabre and The Patterson Inn has been nicknamed The Spirited Inn due to its prevalence of unexplained phenomena.

Many people have died here and staff say that each room has its own specific haunting.

This mansion has been home Denvers wealthiest and most notable people when Capitol Hill was known as Millionaires Row.

Senator Patterson and his family also lived here, and it would seem that they may never have left.

An apparition, believed to be Mrs Patterson herself, has been seen numerous times turning light switches on and off, just as she would have done in life.

Many visitors have heard audible disembodied voices emanating from vacant rooms, with Room 9 being particularly active.

Construction workers often report that the fire alarm continuously goes off, and management will often say in humor ‘oh that must be Mrs Patterson, she’s not happy about something again’.

It is suggested that Mrs Patterson does not appreciate it when couples get romantic, and she will do her best to disturb such events.

Others have claimed to have seen Senator Patterson himself walking around various rooms, wearing his spectacles and holding a notepad.

However, the most prominent, and undoubtedly emotional, phenomena encountered here would be witnessed in the basement. Light anomalies and a dark shadow which lurks in the far corner near the grand chimney.

It was in this very basement that a tiny baby named Sarah was buried.

You would think that once someone is dead and buried that might be the end?

But not always so, owners today say that if you stand on the concrete slab, where they buried that child and look into the back wall where the grand chimney is, you WILL experience something of the paranormal, and many have.

But don't just take our word for, why not visit and see if you experience anything otherworldly.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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