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Dead Hollywoods Possessed Dolls | The Hollywood Wax Museum | Los Angeles California | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Hollywood Wax Museum in Los Angeles, California, is a world famous wax museum located just off Hollywood Boulevard and is the largest museum in the United States.

This venue was first known as The Embassy Club which opened in 1929.

In 1965 a Mr Singh remodelled the building with a vision to create wax work mannequins to honor celebrities and elite who had passed away.

The Hollywood Wax Museum Company opened a further three additional museums located across America, one in Tennessee, Missouri and Myrtle Beach South Carolina.

The masses certainly do report to feeling a little freaked out when walking the aisles here.

Lifelike, glassy eyes, unmoving stares, figures seen moving on their own, all add up to create a pretty intense creep factor.

Staff who open the museum early in the mornings report models have moved considerable distances during the night and things are not how they left them.

Locked doors are often found to be opened up and many rooms feel unnaturally hot or icy cold.

An alarming range of inexplicable activity, too frequent and far too real to be considered ones mind playing tricks is witnessed most days at this venue.

It is suggested the spirits of many dead Hollywood greats now haunt this museum.

Could the spirits of Lucille Ball, Frank Sinatra and Marylin Monroe have somehow been supernaturally drawn to replicas of themselves?

Do the spirits of dead Hollywood now inhabit these waxwork displays?

Doors opening and closing, the frightening physical touch of mysterious hands in the dark and disembodied voices are all encountered at this museum once night falls.

Sounds of the night? Or is there something more sinister taking place with the ever increasing collection of wax creations on display here?

Have you ever witnessed a doll, toy or item move unaided?

How did you react?

Please share your paranormal experiences with us in the comment section below. We would love to hear them.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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