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Death Of A Beautiful French Courtesan | Screaming Beauty Haunts Graveyard | Lone Fir Cemetery | Portland, Oregon | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | Oregon | BoiCGH

Not all who are dead are resting, but roam the nights in eternal torment - Angela Jane.

Lone Fir Cemetery is located in the metro quarter of Porland, Oregon, and was established during 1855 by James Stephens who purchased land along the east banks of the Willamette River. The site was originally called the Stephens Farm and today is rumored as being Oregons most haunted cemetery.

Soon after, a steamboat owner named Colburn Barrell purchased the land from Stephens. Tragically, whilst loading freight onto his steamboat, namely The Gazelle, the cargo exploded, very few survived and this event became known as the worst steamboat disaster in Oregon history.

Barrell himself survived yet 24 crew and passengers died including his long term colleage,  friend and Captain Crawford Dobson. Plagued with guilt Barrell reserved a ten acre plot on his new land to lay those passenger and crew peacefully to rest.

Barrell named the burial site Mount Crawford in honor of his Captain and his wife suggested they change the land name to Lone Fir in memory of those lost.

There are also allocated sections where hundreds of Chinese immigrants were buried and the famous Block 14 where patients of the local James Hawthorne Oregon Hospital For The Insane now lie.

Many graves were sadly left to deteriorate, and there was even a storage facility built atop some of those graves. 

And you know what they say about sacred ground?

Never disrespect it because you may pay some consequence.

After sundown, things get somewhat eerie at this location.

Visitors have reported phenomena including ghostly phantom cats prowling the headstones, unexplained lingering mists amidst the finely landscaped fir trees and full spectrum apparitions aimlessly roaming pathways.

Anne Jeanne Tingry-LeCoz, a famous and very beautiful French Courtisan, was buried here at just age 35. LeCoz,  she was later named Emma Merlotin. Her story is somewhat fascinating.

She was abandoned by her husband who absconded with all of their family finances, leaving her to fend for herself. 

She emigrated from France, to Oregon and took advantage of the exclusive and upper class hotels and bars by working the nights as a high class prostitute in order to pay her debts. LeCoz even went on to employ many ladies who also worked for her. 

Yet nobody ever suspected a thing. The ladies were classy, articulate and extremely successful. During the early 1800s, prostituion in fact was not frowned upon. So, although her operation ran in secret, it actually was seen by society as just another means of making a living, or so she thought.

Tragically, during Christmas 1885 she was brutally murdered with a hatchet. Police were alerted when neighbors reported piercing screaming coming from her home. Investigations revealed she had ‘fought for her life with everything she had’.

Astonishingly, the man they arrested for the crime, William Sandstorm who was clearly guilty and stood covered in blood, was never sentenced. This began rumors that there was a dark agenda against prostition within the community.

Today the cemetery is of course open to the public yet many areas are securely sectioned off in respect.

It comes as no surprise to discover that the spirit of LeCoy has been sighted here on numerous occasions and, terrifyingly, it seems she not at rest at all.

She will look you in the eye and proceed to scream, and scream, and scream.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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