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Death Valley Activity Amps Up Once Darkness Falls | Amargosa Opera House & Hotel | Death Valley California | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Amargosa Opera House & Hotel, located on Death Valley Junction in California, was first constructed in 1923 by the Pacific Borax Coast Company.

The U shaped Spanish colonial style hotel is located on the outskirts of the Death Valley National Park, which showcases some truly breathtaking natural wonders.

Originally the building was used as a cinema, a church and community center.

During the early 1920s the site began to fall into disrepair. However, dancer and film star Marta Beckett, who performed right here at the Amargosa theater during 1967, stepped in. Marta had become so besotted with the place that she purchased the whole venue, building it up to its former glory.

The opera house no longer operates but the hotel is still in use and regarded as one of Californias most haunted locations. 

Staff have described how 'once night falls and the darkness sets in, the paranormal activity really amps up'.

Visitors today report a wide array of strange and unexplained activity including fast moving shadow figures and unnaturally icy temperatures.

Further phenomena includes actual full spectrum walking apparitions of uniformed railworkers and miners going about their labor work albeit residually.

These are the workers believed to have perished whilst trying to cross the nearby Death Valley Railroad. Back then Health and Safety regulations were not what they are today. Many were crushed by lumber trucks and hit by locomotives.

Death Valley Junction is known as Amargosa which is (Spanish meaning ‘bitter’).

If you are near the State Road/Highway 127 intersection, why not visit and see if you sense anything otherworldly.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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