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Demonic Presence Resists Exorcism | Demonic Violent Attack At Haunted Hampton Lillipbridge House | Savannah, Georgia | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Hampton Lillibridge House is a timeless 18th century home located in the historic east side district of  Savannah, Georgia.

Built in 1796 by Sir Hampton Lillibridge, from Rhode Island, this Cape Cod themed home has withstood the test of time but not without its many echoes of a dark and grisly past. After Hamptons death the home ran as a boarding house.

Families were murdered by slaves who were imprisoned here. They had administered poison in the food.

Visitors to the location today describe encountering unnatural chills and creepy lingering spectres immediately upon crossing the property threshold.

Construction teams working in one of upper rooms, which housed an open chimney shaft, heard some unexplained crying sounds. They momentarily ceased their tasks and were horrified when they looked up to see a ghostly sailor swinging, by the neck, from a rope tied to the rafters.

They were later informed that there is an ancient burial crypt, just underneath the home, holding the bodies of individuals who have died here.

Jim Williams, a local antiques dealer and historical preservations purchased the home during the 1970s. Whilst living here he confirmed hearing continual creepy noises about the home, apparitions and demonic entities.

On several occasions, Jim felt an invisible force grab onto his shoulders and physically drag him across the room.

Jim was so affected by what he described as ‘demonic’ that he even arranged for a home exorcism by a Roman Catholic Bishop.

However, despite the exorcism, the phenomena continued.

It comes as no surprise to discover how unsettled Jim must have felt upon discovering that this entity was actively attempting to push him down into what was an original trap door with a deadly drop beneath it.

Jim soon relocated through fear of his life being endangered.

Could the spirits here have somehow resented Jims presence?

Are the living perceived as intruders by the supernatural realm?

Have you ever felt an unexplained presence within your home which somehow made you feel uneasy?

Because if you have, we would love to hear about it.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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