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Drowning Children And The Fragile Supernatural Veil | The Rio Grande | Las Cruces New Mexico | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

With its rich Wild West history, New Mexico has no shortage of timeless tales.

The Rio Grande in Las Cruces, New Mexico, is a river which runs from Colorado and ends in the Gulf of New Mexico.

The city of Las Cruces sits at the edge of the Chihuahuan Desert and hears every ghostly echo. Many believe Las Cruces to be the place where the supernatural veil is at its most fragile.

What exactly does that mean?

It means that if ever you are in with a chance of witnessing something paranormal, it is right here in New Mexico.

Perhaps this why there are thousands of reports each and every year of full spectrum apparitions roaming this location.

There are many strange and creepy tales surrounding this river throughout history.

Could past events have created some sort of portal along these river banks?

This location is believed haunted by The White Lady and her two young children.

These children died at the hands of the very own mother, who drowned them in the river.

It is alleged that many incidents like this took place as families would rather murder their own children than have them suffer slow death from pandemic and untreatable disease.

These spirits have been seen to manifests along the river bank. The mother appears in a long white dress and has been heard humming and gently singing. Was she singing in attempts to comfort them moments before taking their lives?

Others have reported unexplained crying in the darkness.

Many believe this to be a residual haunting of the children moments before they were so mercilessly drowned here.

Can you imagine how those children must have felt during their last moments?

This is a fascinating and darkly atmospheric location.

Drop a comment below if you are ready for the next New Mexico location.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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