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Echoes Of A Family Massacre | Hontoon Island State Park | Volusia County, Florida | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Hontoon Island State Park, located in Volusia County in Florida, is a 1648 acre park which can only be reach by passenger ferry. At first glance this seems like any other unassuming country expanse. 

Let's take a closer look.

Historically this location was inhabited by the native American Mayaca tribes and, during the 1500s, the Spanish founded the City of St Augustine. Spanish Francisan Friars visited the island in the 16th century when the San Salvadore de Mayaca Mission was established.

In 1860 former soldier William Hunton acquired the land and constructed a homestead right here and named it Hontoon Island.

During the 1970s the Florida Park Service officially overtook ownership of the park and opened up a camping ground.

Today the park offers rustic cabins, trails, hiking and a marina.

This park is rumored to be haunted by the souls of those who once lived, and died, here.

Phenomena here includes sightings of full bodied apparitions, light anomalies captured in photography, unnatural cold spots in the height of summer and a creepy feeling of being watched by unseen eyes.

Local legend suggest that a man brought his family camping here many years ago. 

One night he began playing his guitar around the camp fire. Then, without warning, he grabbed a rifle and a hunting axe and proceeded to slaughter his entire family.

Chillingly, visitors today describe hearing phantom guitar music heard once darkness falls, followed by echoes of unexplainable panicked screams and loud audible gunshots.

Harmless folkore or residual haunting?

Either way, I don’t think I could rest easy at this campsite, could you?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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