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Enslaved No More | Ghosts Lash Out After Lives Were Stolen | The Pierre Monard Home State Historic Site At Ellis Grove | Illinois, Chicago | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Nicknamed The Mount Vernon of The West, and located off Kaskaskia Street, this site stands as a last remaining testament to the very first capitol which originally stood in its place.

The home was first owned by Illinois' very first Lieutenant Governor Pierre Monard who purchased the land in 1802.

Horrifically, Monard was known to keep enslaved individuals at the home and, by 1833, there were 23 enslaved individuals here.  Because Monard had purchased the building 'before' Illinois Statehood was implemented in 1818, he was actually legally entitled to retain official ownership over those individuals he had enslaved.

Illinois abolished slavery in 1948 but that did not omit the horrors of slavery which had already prevailed here, or the lives stolen.

In 1970 the building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places and designated as a National landmark. 1n 1998 architects discovered concealed cellars of slave cabins, stone kitchen, brick smokehouse and a spring house.

Many things were salvaged, yet we all know that there are some things which can NEVER be replaced, including innocent lives which were stolen.

It really comes as no surprise that the home today is rumored to be haunted by the vengeful spirits of those enslaved so long ago.

Staff often hear footsteps running through empty hallways and have come face to face with an extremely malevolent female entity who actively runs at the living.

Also encountered here is a violent poltergiest entity which manifests by violently throwing items across rooms and actively seeking to cause harm to the living.

Disembodied voices are frequently heard in fluent conversation and lights will spontaneously switch on and off.

Chillingly, guests have reported a little ghostly girl hovering mid air and extremely upsetting manifestations of the enslaved chained, kneeling in dark corners, and peering from behind curtains.

I wonder if those slaves today realise they are now free?

Or are they angrily lashing out in defiance?

Because if they are, who could truly blame them?

Proceed with caution at this location.

Although time heals much, we will never truly forget what took place at the Pierre Monard home.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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