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Evil Lives Here | Ghostly Manifestations At The Buckner Building | Whittier, Alaska | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Buckner Building in Whittier, Alaska, is a former US military building formerly known as The Sullivan Campus And Recreation Center which housed over one thousand troops. 

This building was so large, covering 273,000sq ft and comprising of eight floors, that it was known locally as 'the City under one roof'.

Historically, during the 1948 Cold War the base was created by General is Simon B. Buckner who was concerned that Alaska would be attacked by way of air strike, erected a bomb proof base as protection from outside troops.

The Buckner building sustained damages in the 1964 Alaska earthquake, and, although resilient, did not fair too well. Doors and windows sustained damages and eventually the site was shut down due to structural concerns.

However, this has not deterred local teens, urban explorers and paranormal enthusiasts from braving the property albeit against public safety advice.

There are deep and vast underground tunnels running beneath the barracks and it is alleged that these tunnels are haunted by the spirits of its past. One group claimed ‘evil lives down here’ upon exiting the tunnel system.

Disembodied footsteps, water pipes spontaneously activating and flitting shadow figures have all been witnessed within these tunnels.

Otherworldly lights, ghostly manifestations and exceedingly high EMF (electromagnetic field), chilling EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) readings and are all phenomena encountered here.

The most unsettling phenomena is being physically pushed and grabbed at by unseen hands, leaving clear and visible scratch marks.

A continual eerie reminder of its violent past.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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