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Faces In Mirrors And Malevolent Male Entity | La Casa de Estudillo | San Diego California | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

La Casa de Estudillo is located in San Diego, California.

This delightful Spanish style mansion was constructed upon a a large river cobble foundation using whitewash brick.

A stunning establishment consisting of thirteen guest rooms, courtyards, original beams, thatched roofing and even an original Steinway piano which was shipped here from Cape Horn in 1853.

First erected in 1829 by Captain Jose Estudillo, Commander of the San Diego Presidio, who sadly only lived here for one short year before passing away.

Sadly, by 1908, the home had become somewhat abandoned. Thankfully, John D. Spreckles and Nat R. Titus, who worked for The San Diego Electric Company, came to the rescue.

The duo were so inspired by Helen Hunts 1884 romantic novel ‘RAMONA’ that they renamed the property as ‘Ramonas Marriage Place’ and thousands of beautiful wedding ceremonies were held right here.

This location has served as a fort, a hotel, a government office and now operates as a museum.

Visitors have reported multiple apparitions here, one of which is believed to be the Captains himself. Is the Captain simply enjoying the home he did not get to enjoy for very long in life?

However, it isn’t only the captain is believed to haunt this site. Also the spirit of a monk has been sighted on many occasions. The monk is non malevolent and poses no threat.

Staff claim there is a ‘grouchy’ entity residing here also.

But why would a spirit be grouchy?

It is suggested that many spirits are highly territorial and that if they see any alterations, or witness any acts of disrespect, within their home, it will anger them. One of these angry spirits is believed to be male and is known to be hostile towards paranormal investigators, any religious individuals such as priests or clergymen and even children.

This male spirit will violently slam doors and has been captured by way of EVP (electronic voice recording) shouting ‘GET OUT!’. This same team stated that they witnessed bright red flashes of light just moments before they claim being physically attacked by a malevolent invisible force.

Staff have reported seeing human faces in mirrors hanging on walls where nobody else was present.

PLEASE NOTE : Not all manifestations are bad. We must realise that sometimes even happy memories can leave an imprint, a haunting, an echo. Some spirits are harmlessly visiting. Some never really left.

The two most prevalent haunting here is that of a lady dressed in Victorian era clothes and a little girl seen sitting in a rocking chair.

Also encountered are extreme cold spots, strange fogs and unexplainable otherworldly lights seen emanating from bedrooms after dark.


*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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