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Fiery Eyes Intentionally Glare At The Living | Murder At The Los Feliz Mansion | Los Angeles California | Historical | Paranormal | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Los Feliz Murder Mansion in Los Angeles, California, also known as The Pearlson Mansion, was constructed in 1925.

This Spanish revival home is widely infamous for a brutal murder assault suicide.

In the 1950s Dr Harold Pearlson, with his wife and three children, moved into the property.

Chillingly, on December 6th in 1989, Harold killed his wife with a hammer, violently beat his eighteen year old daughter severely, then committed suicide by overdose.

In 2019 the mansion was placed on the market for sale, it remains unsold today with the surviving Pearlson children now owners of the property.

It is alleged the grounds are haunted by Mr and Mrs Pearlson themselves, who are often supernaturally heard arguing by way of audible disembodied voices.

Throughout the years many passers by have described seeing mysterious lights dancing amidst the windows, and the voice a little girl screaming 'NO!'.

Other have sighted a female spectre walking about the property, this entity has been known to intentionally glare at the living with red fiery eyes.

Is Mrs Pearlsons spirit struggling to find rest amidst the spirit realm?

Could it be that she never came to terms with her fate, of being taken so prematurely to the next realm? of being so cruelly separated from her children?

Can we even imagine how that must feel?

This location is privately owned, secured, and not available for investigation.

Trespassers will be prosecuted.

However, the property remains for sale.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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