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Friendly Nanny Ghost At The Starrett Mansion Boutique Hotel | Port Townsend Washington | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Starrett Mansion Boutique Hotel is located in Port Townsend in Washington.

This historic mansion is widely recognised for its free floating spiral grand staircase which leads to a structural rooftop fresco which represents the four seasons.

The home was first constructed in 1889 by George Starrett who was a prominent building contractor from Maine.

This was one of the very first buildings in Port Townsend to have an installed central heating system.

In 1894 George and his wife Anne welcomed a newborn son, whom they named Edwin, into the home.

Tragically Ann succumbed to illness and passed away followed shortly by George. A nanny took care of the child.

The building went on to be purchased by various owners and was used as a corporate events house and later as a bed and breakfast during the 1980s.

In 2017 the site was purchased by a couple who maintained the building as a space for guests and offering corporate events.

The Starrett Mansion is open today as a boutique hotel and is described as 'romantic, elegant, ornate'.

Past management believe the building to be haunted by Ann Starrett, her unmistakeable auburn haired wispy apparition has been sighted gracefully roaming the courtyards once darkness falls.

Guests describe doors slamming shut of their own accord and personal items mysteriously disappearing.

The most fascinating phenomena is that of a spirit they call 'nanny' she is said to be a harmless, in fact helpful, spirit who actively tidies up guests rooms.

Nanny likes things to be orderly and does not appreciate profanity or anyone using swear words. If she hears such words, she has been known to lash out and physically strike the living. Better behave and have your manners about you.

Lastly, are the encounters with a smartly dressed male, suspected to be George Starrett himself.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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