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Ghost Children Giggling At Old School Site And Spectral Buildings Manifest Mid Air | The Haunted Town Of Govan | Lincoln Washington | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

From old mining communities, abandoned villages and timeless shores walked by restless spirits, Govan town has it all.

Govan is a historic town located in Lincoln County, Washington. This town is cloaked in disturbing tragedy, and home to a handful of unsolved brutal murders.

The town was first established in 1899 as a central railway station, run by Engineer R. B. Govan, whom the town is named after.

A large sandbank was discovered and communities set up homes around its banks. The town thrived, a post office and school house opened up and business boomed.

However, in 1927, a devastating fire broke out destroying much of the land and forcing many establishments to shut down, sadly the towns lifeforce faded.

During 1902 Judge J A Lewis, and his wife, were robbed and brutally murdered in their home by masked gunmen. They had been slain with an axe. It was believed the incentive were the large sums of money kept at the property. This incident was recorded as one of the Countys most violent ever crimes.

During 1941 a lady who lived on a local farmstead was mercilessly killed literally days after she had reported her son as missing. The sons body was discovered some years later out in the fields, yet her murder was never solved.

Throughout the years, Govan has been described as an epicentre for paranormal activity.

Residents and visitors often encounter menacing shadow figures, which induce immediate feelings of anxiety, panic and unease.

Also witnessed are unexplained mist like light anomalies.

But perhaps the most fascinating phenomena reported to date are the apparitions of ghostly spectral buildings seen to visually materialise mid air.

Could these be manifestations of the homes that were destroyed during the fire?

A chilling reminder of what once was.

Others have encountered audible sounds of children giggling where the old school building once stood accompanied by a electronic battery drainage of cameras and mobile phones.

Have you visited the town of Govan?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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