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Ghost of Sex Crime Murderess at Calcasieu Courthouse | Lake Charles Lousiana | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

In 1940 Toni Jo Henry (born Annie Beatrice McQuiston) was a former sex industry worker who killed a man in cold blood. The murder trial took place at Calcasieu Courthouse in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Toni Jo was known for prostitution and drug related crimes and her then boyfriend, known as 'Cowboy', was also charged with a murder. One night Toni Jo killed the owner of a car she was attempting to steal.

Upon sentencing at Calcasieu Courthouse, Toni even tried 'seductively charming' the judges but to no avail. She became the first, and only, female in Louisiana to be executed via electric chair.

It is believed that Toni Jo never truly left the courthouse, but that she remains here in spirit. Staff and visitors alike have claimed to sensing her presence, followed by the repulsive smell of burning flesh and hair.

Calcasieu Courthouse may look like any regular courthouse however security guards have stated they believe her spirit is responsible for meddling with equipment and trickster activities such as hiding items, creating sudden movement and slamming doors violently shut. 

Others have reported piercing screams, indistinguishable voices and unexplained running footsteps along empty corridors at night. Others have claimed they feel as if this entity eerily follows them around the facility and enjoys making people feel frightened and uneasy.

It is suggested that this entity is very angry and bitter due to her violent ending.

Could this vengeful spirit really still be lurking amongst the darkness?

If ever you are here just be sure to look behind you.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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