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Ghost Sickness at Haunted Bridge Where Mother and Baby Died | Hendricks County Indiana | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

In the small sleepy town of Avon, Hendricks County Indiana, just along County Road East you will find an old deserted railroad, there is a mysteriously inconspicuous little bridge.

Don't be deceived, not everything is as charming as you might think. This bridge is said to be haunted by the spirits of a lady and her baby. The two were said to be walking alongside the railtracks when the mother slipped with the pushchair and both were killed by an oncoming train.

These beloved spirits are said to residually linger at this bridge today and are known as 'the weeping ghosts'.

The higher a level of trauma is at the time of death, the stronger that residual connection will present itself. 

Another entity said to linger here is that of a drunken railroad worker who tragically slipped and was horrifically swallowed up into the freshly churned concrete, encased there he suffocated and died.

Let's be honest, this location seems cursed, or are all these events just coincidence?

What do you think? Can a place be cursed? Do you know any locations which are rumoured as cursed ground?

Many who drive underneath this bridge after dark describe feeling sudden onsets of nausea, are completely overwhelmed with unexplained emotion.

There is a term called 'Ghost Sickness' where individuals are known to feel sickly due to outside entities picking up on energy. When a spirit attempts utilising your energy in order to manifest, you in return may pick up on the spirits emotions at the time of death, which can very often be extremely powerful and unsettling especially if that person suffered trauma.

Many claim to have witnessed dark sinister shadow figures in motion crossing the bridge overhead. 

Could there be some malevolent entity causing these catastrophes? 

Are you from Indiana?

What do you know about this bridge?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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