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Ghostly Children And Violent Entity Attack | The Old Stone House | Washington D.C. | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Are there any finer things than history and mystery? Because this location hosts both of those things.

The Old Stonehouse in Washington D.C. is a historic museum recognised as being the Washingtons oldest original stone colonial structure. In 1764 Christopher and Rachel Layman purchased the land and in 1767 the home was substantially modified with the addition of kitchen quarters and third floor.

Over the years the building has operated as a hat shop, a clockmakers, a paint factory and a car dealership. By 1960 stewardship of the site had been passed to the National Park Service who opened it as the George Washington Memorial Park. The site remains open as a public museum offering a plethora of tours and interactive events.

It has been suggested this location habors spirits from its past with many visitors reporting extreme cold spots, chilling disembodied growls heard from vacant rooms and inexplicable battery failure in well maintenanced electronic equipment.

Be prepared as you may also encounter the old ghostly woman who is often seen in the main lounge rocking chair.

A malevolent male entity known as George, who is rumored to have been a known murderer in life and detested women, has been known to bite, scratch, choke and lash out in terrifying full scale physical attacks on female visitors leaving visible bruising and bite marks.

The disembodied voices of little children laughing and playing are frequently heard audibly about the property with little pale faces often seen peering from darkened windows at night. 

A ghostly little girl is often spied running up and down the main stairwell. Lastly is the spirit of a little boy, fondly known by staff as little Joe, who likes to play up on the third floor.

Could this be the most haunted location in Washington D.C.?


*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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