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Ghostly Faces In The Kennedy Dining Booth | Union Oyster House | Boston, Massachusetts | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Union Oyster House is a historic seafood restaurant in Boston, Massachusetts, located near the Union Street Freedom Trails.

This popular eatery has some truly great history and is rumoured to be haunted by a whole array of resident ghosts.

The building first opened in 1704 as a seafood house, near the towns waterfront, making fresh cargo collection much easier.

In 1742 the building sold dry goods and basic clothing.

During 1771 local newspaper, The Massachusetts Spy, was printed from the second floor but was forced to relocate to avoid British arrest prior to the battle of Lexington.

During the Revolutionary War, the wives of troops used the house a sewing repair room mending garments for colonists and army.

During the 1970s the establishment was purchased by the Milano family and named The Oyster House.

Some famous faces were regulars here including the Presidential Kennedy family who all loved fresh oysters.

Throughout the years there has been much unexplained phenomena encountered by diners who have observed doors moving unaided, objects levitating on tables, and mysterious entities, dressed in colonial era uniform, seen tending to tasks about the property.

Former President John F Kennedy loved visiting here and even had a favourite dining booth, table 18. This booth is today commemorated as The Kennedy Booth and many have reported sighting his pale ghostly reflection peering back at them, through the window, whilst dining here.

Is that how good these oysters are?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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