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Ghostly Janitor Rescues Damsel In Distress At The Akron Theater | Main Street Ohio | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Akron Civic Theater in Ohio is home to some truly bizarre supernatural disturbances.

Erected in 1919 the theater is one of the last standing movie palaces ever constructed. They don't make them like this any more!

Marcus Lowe purchased the venue in 1925 and set about refurbishments with the Ladies Gild bringing the venue to life hosting events and fundraisers.

Occurrences, which simply cannot be explained, are often encountered at this location such as frequent electrical malfunction and mysterious clouds of mist seen floating throughout the building. However, these mists are not randomly floating, but seem to be cognitive (with directional intent).

There are tales of a young girl who committed suicide by drowning in a nearby canal. Her full spectrum apparition has been seen rising out of the waters and many have seen her crying softly, walking the edges of the canal.

Many theater goers have sighted the same apparition inside the auditorium, leaving a trail of wet footprints before vanishing. There are rumors that she inhabits the underground drainage tunnels in spirit today.

Also it is suggested that the spirit of a past janitor named Fred haunts the balcony area. Staff have approached the balcony only to find it empty, yet the air feels ice like. However, they remain convinced of what they witnessed.

Could this janitor have loved his job so much he simply chose not to move on after death?

Fred attends small tasks throughout the lobby and has even been known to attempt to interact with the living. In life Fred was a known gentleman, appreciated etiquette and good manners.

One evening a woman was being assaulted outside and a witness reported seeing an apparition manifest before his eyes amidst the commotion.

Was Fred attempting to come to the rescue of a damsel in distress?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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