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Ghostly Manifestations at The General Nathanael Greene Homestead | Coventry, Rhode Island | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Why do people fear the unknown? There are some things which will always seem a mystery, yet that should not deter us from pressing forward in attempts to ascertain the truth behind those mysteries - Angela Jane.

The General Nathanael Greene Homestead is a renowned historical home located off Taft Street, in Coventry, Rhode Island, which played a huge part in the American Revolutionary War. The home was erected in 1770 and was home to American War General Greene and his family.

General Greene later relocated to Newport and sold the land to his brother Jacob Greene who opened the home as an accommodation tenant house. The home sits adjacent to a cemetery where fallen troops were laid to rest.

In efforts to preserve this prestigious abode the building was added to the National Register of Historic landmarks with The Anthony Village District Association taking over ownership.

The site was renovated and reopened as a museum during 1924 and is reportedly haunted by its former revolutionary residents.

Locked doors are often discovered mysteriously opened, and the sounds of disembodied voices and footsteps from empty rooms are said to be all part of an average day here at the museum.

Very often, the aroma of freshly baked bread will fill one specific room yet with no discernable source. Staff often consider that the room in question may once have operated as the family cooking or kitchen quarters.

Once darkness falls, passers by have reported loud and audible phantom galloping sounds accompanied by the screech of wheels on gravel, almost as if the old time horse drawn carriages are supernaturally settling on the courtyards today.

Visitors have witnessed items move unaided and encountered unsettling fleeting glimpses of dark ghastly figures seen scurrying just out of sight, as if avoiding human detection.

The most astonishing phenomena encountered here are the apparitions of Revolutionary soldiers peering around corners as if assessing war zones. 

Could General Greene be actively overseeing the smooth running of his family home even today?

Or is this a classic residual haunting?

What do you think?

The museum remains open today and offers public tours from April through October.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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