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Ghostly Medical Staff At Anshutz Medical Campus | The Fitzsimons Building | Aurora, Colorado | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Anshutz Medical Centre, formerly known as Fitzsimons Army Medical Centre, is a historic building now incorporated into the University of Colorado.

First established in 1918, and named in honor of Lieutenant T. Fitzsimons who was the first medical officer killed in World War I, this was the largest building in Colorado. 

Historically the site was dedicated to the medical treatment of returning soldier casualties during World War I, and also those injured during Pearl Harbor as well as thousands of tuberculosis victims.

In 2006 the site was remodelled and renamed as the Anshutz Medical Campus which treats patients to this today.

However, historically, many patients have died here and the top floor is known for its extreme levels of unexplained activity.

Could it just be a coincidence that this is the very floor where 34th US President Dwight D. Eisenhower was once treated?

It is believed that past tragedies have left deep supernatural scars at this location resulting in a whole array of unexplained phenomena about the property.

Often encountered here are strange knocking sounds, creepy shadowy figures seen monitoring the living and objects seen levitating mid air.

Scholars and faculty report countless encounters with ghostly apparitions who appear to be wearing medical uniform.

Is this location residually haunted by the nurses and doctors of its past?

A series of underground tunnels runs deep beneath these premises and those who have ventured down there have described horrific swarms of insects, and sightings of a female who many mistake for a living person, that is until she mysteriously fades away into nothing.

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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