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Ghosts Jump From Tower Of Death | Residual Haunting At Brattleboro Mental Health Retreat | Brattleboro Wiindham County Vermont | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Brattleboro town in Vermont is known for its thriving arts and culture scene.

But did you know that Brattleboro has a darker side including some terrifying history?

The Brattleboro Retreat in Brattleboro, Vermont, is today a non profit institution for help with addiction and psychiatric illnesses.

The hospital was built in 1834 as a mental health facility, one of very few at that time. and was initially planned to be a pleasant place of convalescence, fresh air, care and all the other good things that go hand in hand with treatment and recovery.

But we all know that with every good intention, sometimes a little bad creeps in.

This hospital spiralled out of control and resulting in wards of depravity, abuse and barbaric treatments such as lobotomies and electro shock therapy.

This establishment was once described as ‘appallingly inhumane’.

There is a large looming tower which was named Retreat Tower. This tower was initially intended as a watchtower where patients could climb to the top and look out from the top at the lovely surrounding trees and wildlife.

Who was to know that, actually,  this tower would be the last thing many of those patients would see just before death. So many patients literally jumped from this tower, rather than face a slow horrific death or sheer torture at the hands of crazed experimental staff.

Patients and visitors today report sighting full body apparitions of patients dressed in gowns, and shadowy figures literally jumping from the very same Retreat Tower so many victims jumped from so long ago.

A classic example of residual hauntings which manifest resultant from emotional or traumatic attachments.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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