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Ghost Leaves Supernatural Pearls on Pillows at The Mizpah Hotel | Tonopah | Nevada | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Mizpah Hotel in Tonopah was one of Nevadas very first luxury hotels, opening its doors back in 1907.  With its sturdy granite construction and Victorian era decor the venue was an instant hit.

However, it is said that this hotel has a history as 'blood red as its scarlet furnishings'.

It is alleged that a lady died at the hotel during its early years and her spirit haunts the hotel today. This female spirit has been known to whisper into the ears of many male guests and leave pearls upon their pillows during the night.

The pearls are said to be from the ladies pearl necklace which she was wearing when she died.

Many guests have reported seeing these mysterious 'pearls' laid across their pillows. However, these pearls appear supernatural in nature and literally disappear upon inspection.

The Mizpah hotel actually celebrate this lady ghost and they have a room dedicated to her where you can stay and be served Bloody Mary drinks in her honour.

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