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Ghosts Of The Cayuse Tribes | The Whitman Mission National Historic Site | Walla Walla, Washington | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Whitman Mission National Historical Site is located in Walla Walla, Washington.

In 1836 Presbytarian missionaries and furtrappers travelled through this location including Dr Marcus Whitman, along with his wife Narcissa and eleven other individuals, who set about establishing a Mission along the Walla Walla River at Waiilatpu, Washington.

The two females of the group, Narcissa Whitman and Eliza Spalding, are recorded in history as being the very first caucasion women to ever cross the continent to Oregon.

It did not take long until the Whitmans encountered the Cayuse people, who were a fierce local tribe. However, the mission befriended the tribes and set about learning their dialect.

During 1847 a measles outbreak ravaged the area killing more than half of the native populus.

The Cayuse tribe blamed the mission for the outbreak and brutally murdered them all.

The following year, Congress ordered the pacific northwest be established as Oregon territory which did not go well.

Communities retaliated by burning lodges and homes. This raging conflict was known as the Cayuse War and many were subsequently tried, and hanged, for their part in the massacres.

In 1897 a memorial was erected honoring the dedication and sacrifice of the Whitman Mission and the site was established as a National Historic Site named The Whitman Mission National Historical Site. 

The center offers a wide range of educational resources and outdoor exploration trails. Perhaps the most fascinating fact is that those original mass graves holding the Whitman Mission bodies and all those who fell during the Cayuse War, are still at the location today.

Visitors have reported an astonishing array of phenomena including encounters with full spectrum apparitions who appear to present horrific visible injuries.

Others have described audible disembodied horse galloping followed by sounds of children laughing, then playing, and finally screaming.

Staff are frequently physically touched by unseen hands and will often become emotional with sudden feelings of sadness and despair.

Investigative teams have recorded exceedingly high EMF (electromagnetic field) levels and some truly chilling EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) whispering words such as ‘we’re here’ and ‘get out’.

Are people today encountering the territorial spirits of the Cayuse tribes of old at this location?

Please feel free to connect with me via our Boise City Ghost Hunters Live Chat room for anyone interested in further chat, discussion and any questions you may have.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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